Instant Facial Recognition and Detection

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Instant Facial Recognition and Detection

Instant facial recognition and detection, is it Science Fiction or Science Fact? Facial recognition and detection technology is getting cheaper, faster, and much more commonplace, raising the question of whether people will be able to remain anonymous in the near future.


Digital signs and sensors that detect and recognize faces are no longer a matter of science fiction. They are real and are popping up everywhere from malls to bars to smartphones.


So what’s protecting you from Big Brother tracking your movements and invading your privacy?



As of right now, technology is the only significant barrier.


Today, the technology is not quite robust enough to snap a photo of someone on the street and instantly know who they are. Computer processors aren’t fast enough to scan across billions of images in real time to match an offline face to an online photograph. But that’s coming soon.


“To match two photos of people in the United States in real time would take four hours,” said Alessandro Acquisti, professor of IT and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College. “That’s too long to do in real time. But assuming a steady improvement in cloud computing time, we can soon get much closer to that reality than many of us believed.”


Acquisti and his research team at Carnegie Mellon have already developed a proof-of-concept iPhone application that can snap a photo of a person and within seconds display their name, date of birth and social security number.


Currently, the reference photos have to be uploaded to a database, but Acquisti said that processing speeds will soon become fast enough to do the whole process online and in an instant.


Though computers still have difficulty identifying faces in low light or poor photo quality, programs are now able to capture a profile of a face, build a 3D model of it, rotate the photo and identify the person the face belongs to.


If a future in which you can always be identified really is around the corner, what will stop advertisers or even the government from putting names to previously anonymous faces of people walking into a store, strolling down the street or protesting a convention? That’s what the Federal Trade Commission sought to find out at a facial recognition policy conference in Washington last month.


The answer as of now: industry self-regulation. The Digital Signage Federation, a consortium of companies operating digital signs that detect or recognize faces, developed privacy guidelines that require consumers to “opt-in” to being detected or recognized. But that “opt-in” can be made as simply as walking into a store that posts on its window that it detects faces.


As of today, no laws or regulations specifically prevent your face from being detected or recognized without your consent. “Is U.S. privacy law ready for facial recognition? It’s not even close,” said Daniel Solove, professor at the George Washington University Law School.


The solution, however, isn’t easy. Warning people that a particular venue is equipped with face detection technology means the only way for people not to be detected would be to avoid the location. But what if it’s a drug store and someone needs to get a prescription filled?


More than 35,000 developers have built apps that have detected and recognized more than 35 billion photos using’s online software. They range from fun toys like Celebrity Findr, which scours Facebook and Twitter for photos of celebrities, to practical tools like Fareclock, which tracks when employees punch in and out by scanning their faces.


Somewhere in between is Find Your Facemate. Upload your photo and the service will find a potential future love interest who uses the service and looks like you.


How long will it be before someone decides to put together all these online images into a central database and in many online repositories like Facebook and Twitter, our name is already linked to the photo.


Face recognition and detection is real, but the government doesn’t yet have a way to protect its citizens from potential abuse of the technology. With the vast network of internet based security cameras recording much of our daily lives, this is just the next logical step. Are you ready for this? In the future, can anyone remain anonymous?

By |2014-04-21T15:49:12-04:00January 16th, 2012|Computers, How To, Security, software, Spyware, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Instant Facial Recognition and Detection

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